首发:~第89章 第八十九章
“have you ever seen an old wooden cupboard it&39;s getting a little black with age it was carved with vines and leavessuch a cupboard was standing in the living room it was inherited from her great-grandmother; it&39;s covered from top to bottom with roses and tulips it had many strange patterns of vines on it, and in the midst of these patterns appeared the head of a small stag with many flower horns on it in the center of the cupboard was carved a full-length portrait of a man he does look funny, he shows his teeth - you can&39;t call that a laugh he had the legs of a ram, little horns spout from his forehead, and a long beard
the children in the room always called him &34;billy goat legs - lieutenant general and major general - operational mander - sergeant&34; it&39;s a hard name to pronounce, and not many people get it but carving him out is not easy work
he&39;s standing right there now! he kept looking at the table under the mirror, for there was a lovely little shepherdess made of china on it she was wearing gold-plated shoes; her gown looked fashionable with a red rose tied up she also has a gold hat and a wooden staff she&39;s gorgeous!
close by her side stood a little chimney sweep he was as black as charcoal, but he was also made of porcelain he&39;s as clean and neat as anyone
he was a &34;chimney sweep&34; - it was just a hypothesis the porcelain makers might have shaped him into a prince if they were in the mood!
he was standing there with a ladder in his hand his face was a little white and a little red, like that of a girl that&39;s a weakness, because he&39;s supposed to be a little black he stood very close to the shepherdess; the two of them were placed in such a position but now that they were in that position, they were engaged they&39;re a good match both were young, both were made of the same china, and were equally fragile
close to them is another character this man is three times their size he is an old chinese he would nod he was also made of porcelain; he said he was the little shepherdess&39;s grandfather, but he could not prove it he insisted that he had a right to her, and so he turned his back on the &34;leg of the goat - lieutenant general and major general - bat mander - sergeant&34; who had proposed to the little shepherdess
&39;now you can have a husband! the old chinaman said, &34;i believe this one is made of mahogany he can make you a &34;billy goat leg - lieutenant general and major general - operations mander - sergeant&34; lady in addition to his many treasures, he has a whole cupboard full of silver dishes&34;
&39;i don&39;t want to go into that dark cupboard! &34;said the little shepherdess &34;i have heard that he has eleven porcelain concubines there&34;