
第92章 第九十二章(1/1)


首发:~第92章 第九十二章

for she was alive long before father and mother were born -- no doubt about that! grandmother had a hymn book with a big silver button to lock it, and she used to read it there was a rose in the book; it was very flat and dry it was not as beautiful as the rose in her glass bottle, but it was only to this flower that she smiled her tenderest smile and even brought tears to her eyes

i don&39;t know why grandma looked at a withered rose in an old book like that you know what every time my grandmother&39;s tears fell on the flower, its color immediately became bright again the rose opened and the whole room was filled with fragrance all four walls fell down as if they were nothing more than a layer of smoke around her appeared a beautiful green wood; sunlight filtered through the leaves and grandmother -- well, she was young again she was a beautiful little girl, with curls of golden hair and a round red face, beautiful and elegant, and no rose was so bright as her and her eyes, those gentle, pure eyes, were always so gentle and pure next to her sat a man, so healthy and so tall he gave her a rose, and she smiled -- grandma could not smile like that now! yes, she smiled but he was gone, and many thoughts, many images floated before her the beautiful young man was gone now, and only the rose lay in the hymn book grandmother -- yes, she was an old woman now, still sitting there -- looked at the withered rose lying in the book

and now grandma&39;s dead she used to sit in her armchair and tell a long, long story from the children&39;s fairy tales work

&34;now that i have finished,&34; said she, &34;i am tired; let me get some sleep&34; so she leaned her head back and took a breath then she slowly quieted down, and her face showed a happy and quiet expression, as if the sun were shining on her face so people said she was dead

she was put in a black coffin she lay there, wrapped in layers of white cloth she was so beautiful and gentle, though her eyes were closed all her wrinkles were gone, and a smile appeared on her lips her hair was so silver, so solemn look at this dead person, and you will not be afraid at all -- this gentle, kind old grandmother the hymn book was placed under her head, for it was her will the rose still lies in the old book that&39;s how they buried grandma

on a grave by the church wall, a rose was planted it was full of flowers the night camp sang on the flowers and the grave the organ in the church played the most beautiful hymns -- hymns from the book of poems that had been placed under the dead man&39;s head the moon shone on the grave, but the dead man was not there even in the dead of night, every child could safely walk there and pick a rose by the cemetery wall a dead man knows more than we living the dead knew the horror we would feel if we saw them the dead are better than all of us, so they don&39;t show up anymore the coffin was full of earth the coffin was full of earth the hymn book and its pages became dirt, and the rose full of memories became dirt but on the earth, new roses bloom, the nightingales sing, the organ plays music, and people think of the old grandmother with the big, gentle, ever-young eyes eyes never die! our eyes will see grandmother, young and beautiful grandmother, as she did when she first kissed the bright red rose that now lies in the grave and turned to earth”
















他遭人暗算记忆全失,流落街头成了上门女婿,受尽屈辱。 殊不知他是医武无双的绝代兵王。 一朝记忆恢复,他反手打脸,抱得美人重返巅峰!
凤玦,本是叱咤天下令人闻风丧胆的魔尊! 被挚爱之人,最亲之人背叛,惨遭挖去双眼,毁去容颜,废去丹田。 一朝重生? 废材?弃子? 她炼神丹,制神器,驭神兽。 绝代风华,惊艳世人! 不但手拿团宠剧本,受尽家人朋友宠爱,还被无数大佬膜拜。 家族悔不当初,未婚夫也想再续前缘。 凤玦发誓这辈子断情绝爱,成就无上大道,却总有不怕死的男人往跟前凑。 一呼百应,天下妖兽,莫敢不从! 凤玦发誓这辈 男人:“你看了
这是属于巨舰星河的大时代,多元宇宙破碎,无尽宇陆碎片散落虚空,化作无垠破碎星海。 仙域道兵、机械神降、黄金巨人、巫师主宰… 数不尽的奇异文明。 星海奇物、基因药剂、外殖装甲、浮陆本源… 遍地可见的稀世珍宝。 幽能飞梭、幽能飞艇、幽能飞舰、护卫舰、战列舰、歼星舰、超维母舰… 层次分明的薪火飞舰。 纵横星海,从薪火人类文明开始。