
第66章 Flying Beasts(1/1)


首发:~第66章 Flying Beasts

&34;what then it&39;s only been so long, they haven&39;t gone far yet!&34; lu zixuan looked at the guard beast with eager eyes

&34;tell the captain, we&39;ve got news&34; a turtle with a rifle in his hand and a helmet came running down the road

&34;well, tell me about it&34; the guardian beast nodded slightly

&34;as a result of our investigation, one of the puppies said he saw someone knock out what appeared to be their partner&39;s digimon and load it into a sack and take it away on a wheelbarrow&34; tortoise beast looked at lu zixuan said

&34;does he know where they took my friend&34; lu zixuan asked quickly

&34;to the drill tunnel, i think that&39;s where they live&34; this time it was the guardian beast

&34;what then, please, help us!&34; lu zixuan pleaded

the guardian beast looked around, held his chin and thought for a moment, &34;well, let me take you to the lord of the insect-beast! he could say he was sick of the thieves&34;

&34;but it&39;s not too late now, so i&39;ll take you to the guardhouse and rest for a while, and we&39;ll start in the morning&34; &34;said the guardian beast

&34;well, then, that&39;s all&34; lu zixuan helpless way, although he wanted to pass immediately, but lu zixuan also know gear savanna above there are a lot of ferocious beast type digital beast, especially at night, the degree of danger even more than the psychic forest

lu zixuan and lu yun crowded together in the guest bed provided by the guard, because recently it is the &34;month meeting&34; period, the hotel has long been crowded with people, and even the guard&39;s guest house is only this one

&34;boss, do you think we can find fan brother&34; lu yun asked with tears in her eyes

&34;don&39;t worry, we will find lu fan, definitely&34; lu zixuan gently stroked lu yun&39;s head, forting

early the next morning, lu zixuan, who loved to sleep late, got up, and soon they ate breakfast and ran to the gate of the guard bureau tortoise beast is looking at the door, see lu zixuan and others quickly run over

&34;hello, you are lu zixuan and lu yun who reported the incident yesterday&34;

lu zixuan nodded slightly

&34;it is like this, the captain of the guard beast to maintain the beetle market as his own duty, but you also saw yesterday, so many people to participate in the&34; moon meeting &34;, if usually the captain of the guard beast can acpany you to meet the adult of the flying insect beast, but&34;

&34;well, you don&39;t have to say that, we know, and are you going to take us&34; lu zixuan interrupted turtle beast way

&34;yes, i led the way, and our captain specifically told us&34; tortoise beast began a long speech again, lu zixuan quickly stopped, &34;we&39;d better go!&34;

after walking for a while, lu zixuan and others saw a large building not far away, lu zixuan consciously turned to look at the turtle beast beside him

waiting for lu zixuan to open his mouth, he felt the eyes of the two people, and the turtle beast consciously explained:

&34;that&39;s the beetle arena where the games are held! there are often powerful digimon duels there, and the most popular and largest petition is the &34;rodeo&34; held by the lord bidodo, which is an annual event for the entire document island!&34;

lu zixuan regardless of the turtle animal that is shining in his eyes, he continues to walk forward on his own

&34;hey, you wait for me, we&39;re going to the beetle arena, don&39;t go!&34; &34;said the turtle

soon, lu zixuan and others came to the outside of the giant arena, and there were two fox beasts guarding the door

&34;here it is wait outside the door i&39;ll talk to the fox guard at the front door&34; then the tortoise went over and ran back after a while

&34;let&39;s go the lord insectosaurus is still inside&34; tortoise beast way

follow the turtle beast into the arena, the oning is a sense of killing, the kind of wild architectural style makes people motivated

&34;and the bido is here too&34; lu zixuan asked as he walked away

&34;yes, lord bidodo and lord gadodo are the strongest in beetle land, but lord gadodo prefers to stay in the forest, so he mainly manages the forest area and beetle market near beetle land, while lord gadodo likes to fight and is quite aggressive, so he is in charge of the beetle arena leading to the cogged-savanna area and the small villages nearby&34;

listening to the turtle beast&39;s explanation, lu zixuan nodded &34;oh, thank you&34;

after a while, they came to the closed floor at the top of the arena, which was full of spectators, except the top floor, which was the work area, which was not allowed to enter without permission

walk down a long hallway with paintings and statues of digital beasts fighting in the arena, and finally e to a medieval door that honestly doesn&39;t fit in with the roman style of the arena below

it can be seen that although more than the beast is usually aggressive, but the decoration of the inner wall is still very classical beauty, more than the beast is not as simple as outsiders think, on the way to lu zixuan and others will hear more or less about the flying beast and more than the beast rumors

&39;e in! just as the words were spoken, the gate opened by itself

lu zixuan and others walked in, a whole body green red pound eyes of the insect type digital beast sitting legs on the work, should be the flying insect beast, and sitting in the office chair should be more than the beast

&34;i have heard your story from the guardian beast, and i am very sad and sympathize with your friends&34; the way of the beast

&34;and i will be responsible for taking you to destroy this group of criminal gangs, and you have similar experiences of digital beasts are now gathered here, i will organize you to fight them together!&34; &34;continued the insectoid

&34;gladiator, take them down first&34; bidoth spoke plainly, and continued to look down at the papers in his hand

&34;lu zixuan, this is a warrior beast&34; tortoise beast excited

&34;huh&34; lu zixuan puzzled looking at the turtle beast

&34;ahem, the gladiator beast is the director and head of the arena, and the captain of the guard beast is a mature digimon oh! he&39;s a great fighter&34;

at this time, an armored infantry shaped digital beast walked over, but the height is really not flattering

&34;everyone, follow me, please&34;

lu zixuan not much to say, had to go out of the room

&34;you may not look at lord gladiator&39;s ugly and small stature, but he once defeated mighty dragons in the arena!&34; tortoise beast see lu zixuan see fighter beast expression a little indifferent, tortoise beast stressed

&34;and it is said that he will also go to this event and serve as the vice leader of the crusade team&34;

&34;oh lu zixuan slightly raised eyebrows, just entered the time is too short, lu zixuan did not scan the flying insect beast and biduo beast information, &34;scan data - fighter beast&34;

&34;scanning the data:

warrior beast:

· grade: maturity grade a-

· introduction:

after a long experience has bee a qualified armored infantry, individual bat ability is very strong

it&39;s always on the front line in battle driven to the front line of the battlefield, dancing in the arena of the sword fighter super skill&34;

&34;grade a-!&34; after seeing the data, lu zixuan was surprised, that is not stronger than the beast and the flying insect beast



罗天穿越第一天,就得到了九卷天书。 《天道经》内容简介:无敌。 《天道炼体诀》内容简介:无敌。 《天道观想法》内容简介:无敌。 《天道身法》内容简介:无敌。 《天道剑法》内容简介:无敌。 …… 开局就是一身终极无敌大招什么体验? 罗天:谢邀,人在玄幻,诸天无敌。我这人啊,没什么特点,只是普普通通的无敌而已。
我是他人眼中一无是处的废物赘婿; 但,上门女婿,未必不能翱翔九天! 倘若她要,我就可以,给她整个世界。