
第72章 Light Illuminating the Battlefield - Tweniest(2/2)


首发:~第72章 Light Illuminating the Battlefield - Tweniest

can change posture into a proud blade, slashes any enemy with 100 power

lu yun (furious) :

grade: maturity s level


lu yun&39;s violent evolution under the condition of rage is the illusion dragon of the virus species that implements the evil manipulation of canglei

its developed arms and feet are so powerful that they can destroy even mountains of rock

the favorite skill is the strong bite skill &34;violent smash&34;

the trick is an energy wave emanating from the x on the chest&34;

&34;damn it, they&39;re monsters beyond normal maturity, and this time the zbayigo beast is even more garbled!&34;

&34;beep, successfully connected to the trial system of the zbayigo beast, whether you have obtained scanning permission&34;

&34;huh get it, get it, hurry up!&34; lu zixuan was excited to hear that he could get permission to scan the zbayigo beast test system &34;i&39;ll finally find out what i got&34;

the power of lu yun after leaving can smash the mountains, and the zbayigo beast is lightly carried down!

even digimon like the insectotheron and the three-headed draco, who stand on top of file island, are not calm he had seen the power of that monster just now, and it was almost as if he could not tell the enemy from the enemy

however, maybe lu yun had seen the flying insect beast before, so he did not target the flying insect beast, but treated it equally - both of them

but that&39;s a pretty good result for a flying insect

&34;beep, data obtained:

zbayigo beast (awakening) :

grade: maturity s- grade


tweniest i won&39;t stop, i&39;ll keep on running! the indelible ziba evolved into a run-style posture

whether on the ground or on the dangerous road, even if lying on the stomach to go forward, never stop and bravely forward is the policy of the zbayigo beast

the best thing is to shout &39;tweniest! &34;road t(w)o decade&34;, and quickly turn the whole body, with the tail blade of the enemy&39;s &34;vanshion&34;

only in the form of a sword can he exert his full power&34;

&34;oh my god, what is all this isn&39;t it said that this time the army of flying insects and beasts will be wiped out in one , and the result may be that i really want to account for here!&34; the heart of the three-headed dragon muttered bitterly

and the side of the flying insect beast although shocked but very happy, after all, it is a friendly army! &34;ha-ha, three-headed dragoon, you&39;re dead this time&34;

&34;hum, even if it is death, it will pull you behind, see!&34; cannon energy cannon&34; the three-headed draco is furious, taking the opportunity to bine the energy of the three heads to launch their strongest blow

if the flying insect beast is a sensitive mando, then the three-headed dragon beast is a &34;mobile battery&34;! flying insect beast naturally can not be hard to carry, several times in a row of flexible escape, flying insect beast very much escaped the attack of three heads dragon

the three-headed dragon beast is powerful, and can be distracted with three uses, the flying beast simply can not find the opportunity to attack, even if found, the three-headed dragon beast also avoided the key point early, the flying beast attack simply can not play a big role

the flying insect beast also relies on flexible body method, and the bulky size of the three-headed dragon beast also attacks him, and the two people are once again in a stalemate

&34;hey hey, you go quickly, then here to me and master!&34; zbayigo beast play handsome turn his head to the side of the friendly troops said

&34;but&34; a garuru beast hesitated

&34;well, let&39;s go believe them, this tweniest beast is a man with a tweniest profile!&34; bogao beast confidently said while still knowing what the book wrote



一睁眼,盛南枝发现自己竟然和前世的妹夫滚到了一起。 在听见嫡妹闹着要退了和位高权重的六皇子的亲事,非要嫁给她那个还是穷书生的未婚夫君的时候,盛南枝知道,嫡妹也重生了。 嫡妹想要她那表面上是穷书生,实际上是皇帝私生子的夫君,给她就是了。 她前世为了扶持那什么都不懂的穷书生上位,机关算尽,却落得被抛弃的下场。 这一世,她不介意快快活活守活寡。 可是那理应在婚前就出事的男人,却怎么还活的好好的呢? 还
十年,人生能有多少个十年呢。 十年之前,驾车意外撞伤一个姑娘,竟被对方动用人脉送到了世界上最恐怖的监狱受刑。 这个监狱关押的无一不是最大恶疾的囚犯。对方就希望利用这些囚犯杀死我。 十年之后的今天.......我出狱了,鉴于是因为是唯一一个有期徒刑,监狱那么出不来的大佬一致决定, 让我传承他们的本事,十年下来,一身本领已是恐怖如斯。让我看看如今这世道是怎么个事。
【读心+搞笑+团宠+马甲,视财如命女仵作VS闷骚戏精小侯爷】 秦妙惜自幼被昆仑山师父收养,养病期间获得可用功德换生命的系统,为了活命特地下山做善事,还死者清白,让生者释然。 生活不易,全靠拼命。白天验尸又破案,晚上扎纸又送葬。 只要银子来的快,小命才能保常在。陆卿尘:未婚妻,什么时候成个婚? 秦妙惜:男人,只会影响老娘赚银子的速度。 她心中的未婚夫有勇有谋,心怀济世,实则:恋爱脑,有病!
少年本是大家族少主,曾经的天之骄子,叶北城最有知名度的天才少年。 但却被未婚妻陷害,圈养起来,成为血奴, 3年来日日被放血, 体内的至尊之血彻底抽光, 沦为废材! 没有利用价值后,被未婚妻挑断手脚筋,扔进妖兽山脉, 可是天才注定不凡, 他没有死, 反而学习斗战圣法,自创九转星辰诀, 重新惊艳世人! 这一次,神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛,他要用双手为自己报仇!