
Chapter 9: The Battle between Two Major Forces(1/1)


首发:~Chapter 9: The Battle between Two Major Forces

when this purple crystal was implanted into yi ci&39;s mechanical arm, a strange sensation suddenly flooded throughout her body it felt as if the crystal had established a mysterious connection with her body, not only broadening her thoughts but also allowing her to master the functions and usage of the crystal in this strange sensation this mastery seemed to be innate, as if a user manual had already existed in her mind and was merely activated at this moment

driven by this mysterious force, yi ci felt her thoughts bee more agile, and her understanding of the purple crystal gradually deepened this crystal not only gave her unprecedented strength but also allowed her to resonate with her surroundings and perceive subtle changes that she had not noticed before

yi ci tightly closed her eyes, concentrating on sensing the mysterious crystal in her hand suddenly, she opened her eyes, her eyes sparkling with excitement, and excitedly said to yi kui:&34; dad, i think i know the function of this crystal!&34;

yi ku looked at his son with confusion and asked him, &34;really tell me about it&34;

yi ci answered excitedly, &34;i think i can depose the objects i see into particles&34;

&34;what!&34; shocked, yi kui&39;s eyes widened he asked in confusion, &34;is such a magical thing really exists it makes sense then why the bodies on the street disappeared but if that&39;s the case, there must be more than one of these crystals, and someone must be secretly controlling everything behind the scenes could it be jia zhu&34;

yi ci agreed and nodded, &34;then i&39;ll give it a try&34;

yi ci looked around the laboratory and finally locked his gaze on a stool focusing on the stool, he thought, &34;scatter&34;

the stool gradually turned purple, and when it was pletely enveloped in purple, it suddenly disintegrated into particles like sand seeing this scene, both yi ci and yi kui were amazed by the immense power

yi ku exclaimed, &34;i didn&39;t expect it to be so powerful with this ability, dealing with those robots should be a breeze, right&34;

yi ci shook his head, however, and said, &34;it&39;s not that simple this power consumes my energy, and i can&39;t use it too many times i need to practice more&34;

so, in the following days, yi ci not only practiced constantly to master the ability of the crystal but also hurried to assist his father&39;s boss jia zhu in developing his robots he knew that the country had pretty much fallen, and jia zhu&39;s robots were being more numerous the survivors were mostly either submitting to jia zhu or facing death and he needed to do his part to fight against this crisis

time is gradually slipping away unnoticed in silence, jia&39;s robot forces have expanded exponentially, akin to a snowball rolling down a hill his control over the entire country has essentially been solidified at the same time, yi kui has also successfully developed a new breed of robots that are more agile and possess greater destructive power yi ci understands that a showdown between the two forces is inevitable, and he himself will bee the decisive factor in this battle

yi kui&39;s workshop and research institute are located in a desolate underground area, offering great concealment and making it extremely difficult for enemies to discover however, life is full of unexpected surprises one day, as yi ci was leaving, he accidentally came across an armed robot belonging to jia without uttering a word, the robot immediately launched an attack on yi ci

on the other side, jia was leisurely sitting in the mand room, holding a wine glass in one hand and supporting his face with the other his eyes were deep in thought, seemingly lost in contemplation on the large screen, the image of being defeated from the robot&39;s perspective was displayed

&34; finally, someone has emerged who can confront our robots,&34; he murmured, a faint trace of worry creeping onto his face

from the robot&39;s perspective, the footage showed only the discovery of yi ci, the subsequent charge towards him, and then the sudden loss of signal just as the robot was about to catch up to him based on this, jia deduced that the other party possessed a mysterious weapon that could instantaneously disable robots, and that this weapon was only effective against them could it be an electromagic pulse weapon

regardless, jia decided that it was best to eliminate this organization first, lest it grew into a formidable threat in the future

yi ci managed to escape from this thrilling battle by a stroke of luck, but he knew that this was just the prelude to the fight faced with jia&39;s powerful robot army, how would he cope would yi kui&39;s team be able to find the key to victory in this battle in this life-and-death struggle, every person was searching for their final trump card

upon learning the location where the robot&39;s signal disappeared, jia immediately began to deploy, concentrating numerous robots in one place to prepare for the uping battle

meanwhile, after learning about the attack on yi ci, the yi kui team also keenly realized that our position might have been exposed to jia&39;s scrutiny they inferred that jia would undoubtedly e looking for them, and a fierce battle was inevitable therefore, they urgently adjusted their strategy, stepped up defensive measures, and prepared to meet the impending challenge with all their might

the next day, jia&39;s massive robot army, resembling an ining storm, marched menacingly towards the direction of yi ku&39;s location the sensors deployed around yi kui quickly captured this signal and sent the relevant information back to the research institute faced with jia&39;s massive lineup with thousands of robots,yi kui couldn&39;t help but feel the pressure doubling, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead he knew that with only hundreds of robots in his hands, it was almost impossible to defeat jia in a head-on battle

in this situation, yi kui realized that he could only adopt a strategy of using his wits he began to make hasty adjustments to his tactics, trying to find vulnerabilities in jia&39;s defenses, and striving to deliver a decisive blow at a critical moment however, faced with an opponent of vastly superior strength, yi kui also knew that this battle would be a hard-fought contest, and he must give it his all if he wanted to have a chance at victory

amidst the tense atmosphere, the battle was imminent yi kui and jia, two outstanding figures in the field of robotics, were about to engage in a thrilling showdown

yi kui decisively launched the first attack, targeting jia&39;s robot army he fired the last precious cannonball at the enemy&39;s center, but to his regret, it failed to destroy the enemy forces in one fell swoop seeing that the battle was not going well, yi kui without hesitation ordered all his robots to attack with full force

the vanguard squad of jia&39;s army marched forward with a momentum like a torrent, their various weapons glistening with a chilling light laser cannons and high-energy guns were notorious, and some even wielded electromagic pulse weapons, possessing unimaginable power as the weapons unleashed their fury, yi kui&39;s robots were dealt a heavy blow shortly afterwards, the intense energy released by the electromagic pulse weapons paralyzed yi kui&39;s robots instantly taking advantage of the situation, jia&39;s robots pressed forward mercilessly, slaughtering their way through

seeing the situation taking a drastic turn, yi kui felt a surge of anxiety, but he knew that at this moment, only by making a desperate gamble could he have a chance to turn things around he decisively activated his trump card, preparing to fight with everything he had

suddenly, jia was shrouded in a mysterious purple aura, as if controlled by an unknown force moments later, a powerful momentum descended from the heavens, akin to a burst of thunder, instantly attracting the attention of everyone present

&34;scatter!&34; yi ci bellowed, his voice akin to that of a divine intervention the resounding shout pierced the heavens, shaking the souls of everyone present



师尊说,要练剑先拔剑,一拔拔了一辈子。 周游说,我要当个真正的男人,坚决不用右手。 只是他万万没有想到,一招鲜竟然真的可以吃遍天。 随着那一天的拔剑,他隐隐约约的察觉到…… 自己拔剑的速度确实挺快的。
贪财好色抠门皇女x忠犬害羞贴身小侍 惊! 凤吟国大新闻! 原本懦弱透明的四皇女崛起了。 女皇宠爱,权势在握。 就是吧,这位皇女的缺点有亿点点多。 贪财好色还抠门! 最让人不解的是,她还娶了个小侍做皇夫! 四皇女君芊灼格言:这件事,可不可以不用钱解决?可不可以不用我的钱解决?可不可以用别人的钱解决?
【群穿+古今互通+流放被投喂】 大学生的你穿越到古代,你的专业能为你做什么? 江黎黎和同学回高中看望老师,结果乘坐的大巴爆炸,全班带着班级群聊穿越,一个个穿成草原可汗、太医院院判…… 只有江黎黎成了倒霉世子妃,开局流放荒岛,同学们鞭长莫及。快饿死时,江黎黎被她背篓里掉出来的可乐罐砸中—— 她惊讶地发现她的背篓能通古今! 而扔可乐罐的,正是他们班迟到大王张小胖!这一次返校看老师,他又迟到了