
第62章 第62天(2/2)


首发:~第62章 第62天

jiang yun was stunned and burst out laughing, &34;these are all my parents&39;, and i can&39;t understand many of them

jiang yun took out an illustrated book from a bookshelf and handed it to wang qiang, &34;then, this is mine

wang qiang took the book and looked at the cover on the gilded cover, there were several large characters written in &34;andersen&39;s fairy tales&34;, with a strange row of foreign language below

who is andersen i haven&39;t heard of him before, &34;wang qiang constantly showed his rudeness

jiang yun liked his honesty very much he took the book, sat next to the lecheron qiang, and said, &34;when i was a child, i heard my mother say that andersen was a danish writer, a person who could tell stories better than my mother

where is denmark &34;wang qiang opened the page, and the bright and beautiful lines in the illustrations made wang qiang unable to stop reading

jiang yun also showed an expression of uncertainty: &34;i don&39;t know where denmark is, but listen to my father, denmark is on the other end of the world, a very distant place

wang qiang glanced gratefully at jiang yun and opened the book catalog:

the daughter of the sea, the ugly duckling, the little match girl, the emperor&39;s new clothes

wang qiang felt like he had opened a window, and the scenery outside was a beauty he had never seen in his life

jiang yun took the book from wang qiang&39;s hand and flipped over to the page pointing to the story, saying, &34;hey, this story, &39;red shoes,&39; is quite interesting, but i haven&39;t figured out what andersen is going to say yet

&39;red shoes&39; wang qiang fell into reading

to be honest, wang qiang didn&39;t read much and read very slowly jiang yun couldn&39;t help but remain silent, so he took the initiative to tell wang qiang this story

the story roughly tells of a little girl, wearing a pair of magical shoes, dancing continuously and never stopping until she finally requests someone to cut off her legs

jiang yun has a strong ability to retell, and can summarize what he wants to say in just a few sentences but wang qiang still couldn&39;t understand, how could there be shoes that couldn&39;t stop people in the world, and who would cut off their own legs

this is really a strange story, but it&39;s still very charming to hear you say it, &34;wang qiang said from the bottom of his heart

at this moment, the tree door suddenly opened and xie ling&39;s figure appeared at the door

jiang yun let out a bad cry and quickly dodged behind wang qiang

xie ling was sorting out her chaotic thoughts last night, jiang haohan did not return overnight she was worried all night and got up early today to e to the laboratory to pay attention to the research that had been stranded for many days

unexpectedly, i saw wang qiang in the laboratory

why are you here! &34;xie ling screamed loudly, like a beautiful peacock whose feathers had been stolen

wang qiang said mischievously, just browsing around

xie ling groped by the door, holding a small pistol in her hand

this laboratory was the result of xie ling, her husband jiang haohan, and many close friends who had passed away now that an unexpected guest has arrived, if there is no intention, it would be a ghost

xie ling believes that the way this tree opens its doors will not be known by more than one person alive, but who betrayed everyone&39;s mon secret

countless possibilities flashed through her mind, but the top priority was to protect the secret in her heart and not hesitate to shoot and kill this nauseating little rascal

seeing the pistol, jiang yun, who knew his mother&39;s personality well, exclaimed, &34;mom, don&39;t shoot

xie lingding glanced and realized that it was her daughter hiding behind that annoying little thug all the speculations were instantly clear, and a dizzy sensation overwhelmed the female botanist, causing her to spin around and fall

wang qiang and jiang yun hugged xie ling who had fallen, and jiang yun&39;s anxious tears rolled over

in an instant, xie ling woke up leisurely, her waxy face showing an unnatural red color she looked at her silently crying daughter and said in a mournful voice, &34;yun&39;er, since i was young, i thought you were a good girl with a general sense of courage how could i have thought you were so confused this place is a lifelong passion of your parents how could you let strangers e here casually, yun&39;er

jiang ling was in agony, and jiang yun shed tears like rain

wang qiang couldn&39;t bear to look at it and felt angry although qiang admitted that you were the future mother-in-law, it&39;s not proper for you to bully my family yun er like this

wang qiang couldn&39;t help but reply, &34;aunt xie, this thing is like this

it&39;s okay for wang qiang, the clinker, not to speak as soon as they spoke, xie ling and jiang yun shouted at the same time, &34;you shut up for me

sure enough, it was the mother and daughter, and wang qiang looked depressed

xie ling turned her head away from wang qiang and said, &34;i don&39;t want to see you please leave immediately with your people and leave now we don&39;t wele you

wang qiang was taken aback isn&39;t this a naked banged mandarin duck but wang qiang&39;s face is thin, and his self-esteem is like an egg with a broken egg shell, with the egg white flowing all over the ground

wang qiang&39;s face turned green, red, and white, then turned around and left

there is no master left here, there is a place for him to stay wang qiang thought to himself



还没等到好好报效提拔自己的县委书记, 书记就撒手人寰了。 他现在所拥有的一切全靠着书记的赏识使他官途一路飞升。 官场仕途开始受到阻挡,卡壳难行。 祸不单行,女朋友也在这低谷时和他提了分手。 面对重重挫折,他会怎么做? 且看他如何一步步走出人生低谷,创造自己的官场神话……
云尘乃是云家私生子,被家族不容,十年前,被大哥差点打死,幸好被青云观老道士所救,带回道观,十年之后,云尘修道归来,奉师父之命和中海市第一美女结婚,同时寻找自己的真正身世之谜。 从云尘下山这一刻,都市将风起云涌。