
第64章 第64天(2/3)


首发:~第64章 第64天

scarface saw wang qiang choose to retreat, and a strange smile flashed on his ferocious face my own set of martial arts skills is very famous, it is the master&39;s fist technique of seizing and attacking the stream at the beginning of the attack, once the opponent chooses to avoid it, their fists will roll down like an avalanche until they kill the opponent

wang qiang successfully dodged a blow, but before his foot touched the ground, a black light followed closely

how fast!

wang qiangqiang was startled and quickly leaned back with his hands on the ground, making a reverse jump that could dodge the pursuit of his fist unexpectedly, just as he stretched out his body and had not had time to stand firm, wang qiang hit back with his fists

helplessly, he had lost the opportunity, and his fist had not yet touched scar&39;s face his eyes were black, and a sharp pain came scar&39;s fist hit his face fiercely, and the black nail pierced his cheek

wang qiang only felt that the sky was spinning and the earth was flowing into the bone marrow, and for a moment he lost his sense of direction

as an excellent martial arts expert, scar will definitely not miss this good opportunity he will continuously use his martial arts skills on wang qiang, and in the blink of an eye, wang qiang will be riddled with wounds and bleeding uncontrollably

after performing the scar face set of skills, wang qiang had already fallen unconscious on the ground and had no ability to fight back

scar made a victory gesture on his hand, causing fans to shout wildly the spikes on his fist were tempered with a mixture of zombie blood and venom, and most people can only survive for half a minute

not far away, jiang yun had already covered his mouth and couldn&39;t believe everything in front of him is this terrifying scarred face really killing wang qiang like this

the jiang haohan couple, who were lying in the encirclement, also showed despair on their faces although xie ling was not pleased with wang qiang, others sacrificed their lives in vain for their own family affairs, and their conscience was condemned, making them extremely unfortable for a moment

in the distance, lin er watched as wang qiang was knocked down and instead lowered the gun he was holding for a deceased teammate, it is no longer worth fighting with one&39;s life, this is the principle of survival in a settlement

moreover, it&39;s not too much to describe wang qiang&39;s actions as self inflicted lin er couldn&39;t do it for the sake of his teammates who killed his brothers in vain

fang zhong looked at wang qiang, who had fallen to the ground and couldn&39;t stand up, and felt a sigh in his heart it turned out that this was a guy with a silver gun and a candle head, causing him to make a false alarm

scar face triumphed and raised his hands to look around, posing in a big shape his own side cheered, while the residents of tree land all looked miserable

scarface walked towards jiang yun and said without hesitation, &34;jiang yun ladies, your little mistress has died it&39;s a pity but it&39;s nothing e on, let me hurt you well and fort your injured soul&34; after that, he rudely grabbed jiang yun&39;s hair and dragged her back

jiang yun screamed and struggled, but was dragged back by the scar jiang yun&39;s parents saw this scene and rushed forward crying and shouting, only to be knocked down by two amorous invaders

scar&39;s face swayed as jiang yun walked forward suddenly, one hand firmly grasped his ankle, and scar&39;s footsteps couldn&39;t move any further

at this moment, wang qiang&39;s voice rang out, &34;our petition is not over yet how can we give up halfway are you a man

scar&39;s face dragged jiang yun&39;s hand noticeably he turned around and looked at wang qiang, who was slowly climbing up on the ground with a strange expression on his face, he said, &34;you are really a monster, even a zombie should be killed why are you still alive (scar: author, i request a replacement)

wang qiang slowly raised his head, and the nail holes on his face were still eye-catching he touched his miserable face and said, &34;put her down, otherwise i will make you die very tragically

scar&39;s face trembled and his teeth widened he threw away jiang yun, who was holding him in his hand, and punched wang qiang the fist was like lightning, three points faster than the previous shot

however, wang qiang felt that the movements of the scar face in his eyes were no longer very rapid, but rather a bit slow, as if he had specifically slowed down the pace and demonstrated it to wang qiang

for some reason, wang qiang instinctively raised his arm and grasped the ining fist, as if grasping a venomous snake seven inches wang qiang&39;s fingers pinched scarface&39;s wrist, and with a slight force, the fist strength of this hand was relieved

an incredible expression flashed on scar&39;s face, obviously unable to believe that wang qiang might have grabbed his hand! i can&39;t bear to think about it, how can i be controlled by others the other fist of scar fiercely shot out, targeting wang qiang&39;s head

wang qiang seemed to feel something, grabbing scar&39;s wrist with his fingers and suddenly applying force, pulling towards him, and then rushing forward, actively colliding with scar&39;s body

this change made scar&39;s attack lose its target, and when wang qiang collided with scar, he lifted his knee and fiercely pressed scar&39;s crotch

on the crown of the empress&39;s tree, a bird nestled and accidentally knocked over two bird eggs the eggs fell from the tree and threw out a puddle of egg white

scar heard the sound of bird eggs shattering, and a sharp pain came from his crotch the pain was unbearable and he let out a scream

hiss &34;many of the spectators next to me took a cold breath, but it was like losing a son and losing a grandson

lin er was marveling at the tenacity of wang qiang&39;s vitality when he saw this blow in the crotch and immediately felt a faint pain ing from a certain area the second brother anxiously touched that area, and his expression only slightly stabilized

scar&39;s face turned purple red, and his heart burned with anger he withdrew his empty fist and, enduring the pain, hit wang qiang with another hook

wang qiang is now in close bat with scar, and it seems that he cannot avoid this hook punch

the fist arrived in an instant, and wang qiang impartially punched scar, while also fiercely hitting scar&39;s chest with his fist

swap moves for moves, fists to the flesh, no pain

scar face wears a fist, which gives him some advantage in equipment, but strangely, the toxin seems to have little effect on wang qiang however, wang qiang&39;s strength on his fist grew stronger and stronger, and finally, after breaking several ribs on scar&39;s chest, scar was attacked and lost his strength

wang qiang grabbed scar&39;s hand with all his might, and pinched scar&39;s wrist and wrist bone alive

ah! my hands, my hands &34;scar wailed in pain

the pain of a broken bone and piercing the heart affected scarface&39;s attack wang qiang seized this opportunity and finally released his hand, which had been holding scarface&39;s wrist he struck scarface&39;s neck with a knife

the force of this hand knife was so strong that the neck of the scarred face instantly tilted and fell to the ground, directly breaking the cervical spine

scar face was severely damaged by this, but it did not have wang qiang&39;s ability to recover, thus declaring it finished

the invaders cheering and cheering for their scar brother all looked panicked it should be noted that scar is under fang zhong&39;s mand, but he is the number one thug who never gives up anyone who dares to challenge his authority in his settlement is defeated by him and enters an irreversible situation



《大明:如此贪的驸马,朕杀不得?》 大明:如此贪的驸马,朕杀不得?《大明:如此贪的驸马,朕杀不得?》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的,
她告白失败,男神要订婚,未婚妻竟然是她的死对头。 本想一醉方休,却狗血的一醉成婚。 某男,一穷二白,没房子、没车子、没票子、没工作,唯一的优点就是帅! 为了利用他打败死对头,她领他进门,帮他解决住房问题。没想,一到半夜,他就溜进她的房间。 ** “老公,你的卡不是只有三千额度吗,怎么我老是刷不完?” “宝贝,别担心,刷不完就继续刷,刷完为止!” “老公!”某女捧着商业周刊跑过来,表情
盛唐地方官吏庶女温毓瑶,不顾声名,棒打皇戚,还未出阁便成为市井口中的悍妇。 可即便如此,桃花还是朵朵开,挡也挡不住。 男人本温良君子,却被她勾出内心最恶劣的欲望,在圈禁强制的边缘,他疯狂控制自己,恨不得亲手斩断温毓瑶所有的桃花,将她彻底占有。 可惜风云诡谲,温家被卷入其中,太子一党暂时失势。 温毓瑶进宫受辱一跪,跪出了温家的活路,也跪出了男人的反心。 男人龙袍加身,拉着毓瑶的手,“做我的帝后,好
天才少年楚剑秋遭人算计,沦为废人,幸偶得混沌天地决; 从此踏入万界,于万族之中崛起; 一念崩星海,一念裂苍穹,一念诛妖鬼,一念葬神魔! 天帝之威,莫敢违逆!