
第67章 第67天(3/3)


首发:~第67章 第67天

wang qiang, go wash your face before having breakfast, why are you so dirty, pig head

wang qiang, what&39;s wrong with this mechanical circuit it has been unable to be welded

&34;wang qiang, it&39;s time for lunch today, my mother cooked meigan cai and fried meat hmm, it&39;s really delicious hey, wash your hands, wash your hands, you pig&39;s head you can eat without washing your hands how can i eat it&34;

pig head, there&39;s a problem with the sound of this gun there&39;s something that hasn&39;t been corrected properly, and there seems to be a problem with this one as well

ah, finally finished the day&39;s work let&39;s go for a walk outside the other day, i found a bouquet of flowers not far away

what, it&39;s dangerous outside at night, what are you afraid of isn&39;t it you alright, you need to learn, learn, learn i&39;ve never seen a pig like you who loves learning so much let&39;s go, let&39;s go learn

hello, pig head, i want to listen to a story, you want to read it to me, i want to listen to the &34;selected works of andersen&39;s fairy tales&34; hello, why are you sleeping you pig head, lazy and drowsy

okay, may you be possessed by a divine pig and sleep to the death of you &34;jiang yun turned off the light in front of wang qiang&39;s bed and looked at wang qiang, who had been sleeping peacefully after a tiring day he silently recited his blessings in his heart and quietly left

good night, my beloved wang qiang jiang yun thought

in a secluded valley far southeast of the lower city, a towering city wall blocks the way within the city walls, massive settlements thrive and thrive

so, the details of those people have already been figured out &34;the green haired young man asked thoughtfully

this is no one else, it is fang zhong who has absconded from the tree plains

fang zhong occupies a huge settlement with a population of nearly 5000 people, including over 500 elite soldiers and nearly 2000 warable soldiers, making it the most powerful settlement nearby

since the birth of fang zhong two years ago, he killed the leader here and seized control, the settlement has been renamed fangjia village

at first, the settlement of fangjia village was not large, but gradually pleted the annexation and integration through battles against nearby small settlements, gradually gaining its current scale

standing at the head of fang zhong was the mander who presided over the attack that day, named yue xian he was known as a military strategist and was the most trusted brain trust under fang zhong

not bad, that settlement is only a hundred kilometers away from us, and the location is extremely hidden if it weren&39;t for our targeted tracking of this conflict, we might not have discovered this underground settlement, &34;yue xian said

humph, since we have discovered their lair and the enemy knows us well, we might as well do more to weaken them and then take this settlement in one fell swoop &34;fang zhong said fiercely, clearly holding onto the defeat of that day

brother zhong, it&39;s not my fault for being too talkative the strength of that settlement is quite good the troops that attacked kaifeng county a few days ago were from this settlement after my observation, there are some good players among them if we are not prepared enough to attack boldly, we may have to pay a great price, &34;said the military strategist

what better way do you have, my mr zhuge &34;fang zhong asked for advice

yue xian chuckled and played with the jade carving handle in his hand, whispering, &34;if you want to break through its city, there are no more than three strategies: upper, middle, and lower which strategy does brother zhong want

fang zhong suddenly became interested and said, &34;oh can you tell me what the three strategies are

yue xian said nothing

fang zhong was momentarily taken aback and quickly ordered someone to say, &34;someone, take my military mander&39;s seat how could you be so negligent

at this moment, a servant picked up a small pier from outside the door yue xian didn&39;t refuse and sat down with great pressure he spoke eloquently, &34;first of all, the next strategy is to pour all the troops from our fangjia village and attack them with all their might in my opinion, killing two or three thousand people should not be a problem

fang zhongzheng wanted to say that it was just what i wanted, but he found that the casualties were too heavy he was afraid that after the war, his strength would be greatly damaged, which was inappropriate

yue xian said again, &34;the middle strategy is a strategy to defeat the enemy organize an elite team to be distributed around the lower city and snipe their supply teams, causing a shortage of supply to this settlement at that time, even the strongest fortress can break through without attack

fang zhong praised this as a clever plan

yue xian shook his head and said, &34;the middle strategy can only be considered a wise strategy, not a clever strategy

fang zhongqi said, &34;what is that a clever strategy

yue xian replied, &34;the best and also the best strategy is to divert misfortune from the east

fang zhongyi patted the table and exclaimed, &34;grandma, you&39;re a bear yue xian, don&39;t hang your stomach tell me about how to bring disaster to the east

yue xian said, &34;according to the scout&39;s report, hasn&39;t the recent zombie uprising in kaixian county occurred we took the opportunity to lure zombies down to the city and then use heavy firepower to destroy the defense system of the fallen city the zombie wave will e and catch turtles in a jar, and without a single soldier, we can defeat strong enemies isn&39;t it beautiful

fang zhong laughed heartily at the words but then he remembered something and said, &34;although the best strategy is good, there are some inappropriate aspects jiang haohan has a very important role for me if the zombies capture the city, jiang haohan will undoubtedly die, which will not benefit me let&39;s still follow the middle strategy

yue xian heard and said yes

fang zhong patted yue xian on the shoulder and encouraged him, &34;with your assistance, we have achieved today&39;s success you are my kong ming

yue xian&39;s expression changed and he shrank his shoulders, repeatedly answering, afraid not to dare

fang zhong chuckled and rumored that tan wu would e to see him, waving his hand to signal yue xianke to leave

yue xian turned around and left the conference room as he walked out of the distance, he slowly put away his face, showing an angry expression

fang zhong, if it weren&39;t for your toxin control, i wouldn&39;t have acted like this seeing your wrongdoing, i will definitely suffer from heaven&39;s punishment in the future, &34;yue xian thought fiercely

tan wu is a ruthless and young man, at the age of nieen, and the resulting lives in his hands are already unclear as fang zhong&39;s newly trained top hitter, tan wu is even more ruthless than scar

although scar is good at fighting and is as aggressive as lustful, scar is not good at killing people and is too arrogant based on his abilities fang zhonglong saw scar as unpleasant and decided to use it until it was useless

but tan wu is different this young man has been following fang zhong for several years and has gone through multiple tests he is a loyal warrior and also a savage butcher&39;s knife

tan wu saw fang zhong and called out brother zhong, standing on the side waiting for orders

tan wu, you choose fifty elite soldiers, bring sufficient supplies, logistics, weapons, and ammunition, and head to the outskirts of the settlement in the lower city to implement a blockade strategy however, if there are wild explorers in the lower city, they will be killed without mercy of course, you also know jiang haohan, and if you encounter this person, you must bring them back alive, &34;fang zhong explained

tan wu nodded and took orders to leave, but fang zhong felt disappointed in his heart he touched his numb chest and prayed to himself, hoping that time would e



许昭昭穿书了,而且还穿成了一个活不过三章的小炮灰! 身负强大的植物系异能的许昭昭可精神了,让她看看怎么个事儿! 一门心思抢她未婚夫的渣表姐! 人前一套背后一套的绿茶手帕交! 千方百计想让她带着丰厚嫁妆给自己当儿媳妇的恶毒姑姑! 还有一个时不时胳膊肘再往外拐一拐的糊涂祖母…… 就冲着身边围的这么些个人,许昭昭都觉得以后的生活可精彩了。 有人天天想着利用舆论来害她,许昭昭想了想,不就是水军嘛,跟谁没
恶女萧黎一朝穿书,成了故事里痴恋男二的恶毒公主。 以权压人,强取豪夺,所以活该被冷待厌恶,然后被算计丟了清白,绝望,难产,连死都是成全别人。 笑死,这窝囊的剧情她了忍不了一点儿。 掀桌,休夫!大不了拉着大家一起死! 疯批公主脚踹驸马,刀砍王妃,撒泼、发癫,人人避之不及。 后来: 可怜的世家公子被她抓住欺负到泪眼朦胧。 阴鸷狠戾的掌印大监虔诚跪地为她穿鞋。 年轻俊美的状