首发:~第55章 英语考试
the inter has bee an integral part of our daily lives we use it to municate, gather information, and entertain ourselves however, the inter also has its dark side cyberbullying has bee a serious problem, especially among young people victims of cyberbullying often suffer from emotional distress, anxiety, and even depression
a recent study conducted by researchers at columbia university found that cyberbullying can have long-term effects on victims the study followed a group of adolescents for three years and found that those who were victims of cyberbullying were more likely to suffer from mental health problems as adults additionally, the study found that victims of cyberbullying were more likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as substance abuse and self-harm
despite the seriousness of the problem, there are ways to bat cyberbullying educating young people about the consequences of cyberbullying and promoting empathy and kindness online are important steps parents and educators should also monitor children&39;s online activities and intervene when necessary it is important to create a safe and supportive environment for everyone online
according to the passage, what are the long-term effects of cyberbullying on victims
a victims are more likely to suffer from mental health problems as adults
b victims are more likely to bee bullies themselves
c victims are more likely to isolate themselves from society
d victims are more likely to engage in risky behaviors
首先,我们需要在文章中找到关于网络欺凌对受害者长期影响的信息。在第二段中,我们找到了关键信息, 这句话告诉我们,研究表明,青少年时期遭受网络欺凌的人成年后更有可能面临心理健康问题。
a victims are more likely to suffer from mental health problems as adults 这个选项与我们在文章中找到的信息一致。
b victims are more likely to bee bullies themselves 文章没有提到受害者会成为欺凌者。
c victims are more likely to isolate themselves from society 文章没有提到受害者会与社会隔离。
d victims are more likely to engage in risky behaviors 文章提到了受害者更有可能参与风险行为,但这不是长期影响的主要内容。
因此,根据文章内容,我们可以确定正确答案是 a victims are more likely to suffer from mental health problems as adults