
第15章 冥想的好处(6/6)


首发:~第15章 冥想的好处

this study tests the prediction that when the number of individuals participating together in the

tm-sidhi program exceeds the square root of one percent of a society an influence of coherence is created in the collective consciousness of the entire society, resulting in decreased crime the hypothesis is tested during a course held in new delhi, india, from november 1980 to apri/1981, during which time the number of tm-sidhi participants was greater than the required total for the union territory of delhi

this quasi-experimental intervention study assessed changes in daily crime totals in the state of delhi from 1 june 1980 to 31 march 1981 intervention analysis using arima time series methodology indicated a highly significant decrease of 146 crimes per day (110 percent) during the intervention period the implication of these findings for governmental policy is discussed; it is suggested that the adoption of the transcendental meditation and tm-sidhi program in educational settings is a practical means to improve the quality of social as well as individual life

经过 5 个月的时间,在印度德里的联邦领土上发现了犯罪的减少,这是超验冥想和 tm-sidhi 项目的集体实践的结果--编辑

本研究检验了当 tm-sidhi 项目的参与人数超过了社会人数的1的平方根时,在整个社会的集体意识中就产生了一致性的影响,从而降低了犯罪率。在 1980 年 11 月至1981 年4 月在印度新德里举行的一次课程中,对这一假设进行了检验,在这段期间,tm-sidhi 参与者的人数超过了德里联邦领土所要求的总数。

这项准实验干预研究评估了 1980 年 6 月 1 日至 1981 年3 月 31 日德里每日犯罪总数的变化。采用 arima时间序列方法进行的干预分析表明,在干预期间,每天发生 146 起犯罪(110)有显著下降。


6 preventing crime through the maharishi effect




criminologists view crime as a multidimensional problem that is best prevented by programs that strengthen informal social control, which is the internalized propensity of the individual to find rewarding behavior patterns within the law this paper introduces the theory and research on crime prevention through the maharishi effect, a powerful mechanism of increasing informal social control by increasing coherence and decreasing stress in the most holistic level of society, its collective consciousness a review of 15 published studies conducted on city, state, national, and international levels finds strong evidence that crime is reduced and quality of life is improved when 1 of a population practices the transcendental meditation (tm)1 program this is termed the maharishi effect this review also finds that crime is reduced and quality of life improved when groups the size of the square root of 1 of a population practice the more powerful tm-sidhi program together in one place this is called the extended maharishi effect theoretically, such a transformation is made possible by the ability of the tm and tm-sidhi1 programs to provide direct experience of the unified field of natural law in the simplest form of human awareness, transcendental consciousness, which brings life in accord with natural law this program is easily implemented and highly cost effective as a primary protective factor against crime


犯罪学家认为,犯罪是一个多维度的问题,最好通过加强非正式社会控制的项目来预防。非正式社会控制是个人在法律范围内寻找有价值的行为模式的内在倾向。本文介绍了通过 maharishi 效应来预防犯罪的理论和研究。

maharishi 效应是通过增加社会最整体的层面--集体意识的一致性和减少压力,来增加非正式社会控制的强大机制。

一项针对城市、州、国家和国际层面的 15 项已发表研究的综述发现,有强有力的证据表明,当 1的人口进行超越性冥想(tm)程序时,犯罪就会减少,生活质量也会提高。这被称为maharishi效应。这篇综述还发现,如果把人口的百分之一的平方根数量的群体集中在一个地方实施更强大的 tm-sidhi 计划,那么犯罪就会减少,生活质量也会提高。这被称为扩展的 maharishi 效应。

从理论上说,这种转变是可能的,因为 tm 和 tm- sidhi1 程序能够以人类意识的最简单形式——超越意识——提供对统一的自然法领域的直接体验,从而使生命符合自然法。该项目易于实施,成本效益高,是防止犯罪的主要保护因素。

7 group vs single mindfulness meditation: exploring avoidance, impulsivity, and weight

management in two separate mindfulness meditation settings




recent research has identified that mindfulness meditation in group settings supports people who are trying to lose weight the present research investigated mindfulness meditation in group and individual settings, and explored the potential impact on weight loss and other factors (ie mindfulness,impulsivity, and avoidance) that may assist or hinder weight loss specifically, the hypotheses tested were that the group setting assisted dieters more than the individual setting by reducing weight,

cognitive‐behavioral avoidance, and impulsivity and by increasing mindfulness participants (n=170)who were trying to lose weight were randomly assigned to practice meditation for 6 weeks within a group or independently measurements in mindfulness, cognitive‐behavioral avoidance, impulsivity,and weight occurred twice (pre‐and post‐intervention) results indicated that participants in the group setting lost weight and lowered their levels of cognitive‐behavioral avoidance, while impulsivity and mindfulness remained stable on the other hand, participants in the individual condition lost less weight, while there was an increase in cognitive‐behavioral avoidance and mindfulness scores, but a decrease in impulsivity seeing that benefits and limitations observed in group settings are not replicated when people meditate alone, this study concluded that mindfulness meditation in individual settings needs to be used with caution, although there are some potential benefits that could aid future weight loss research



认知行为的回避和冲动,以及增加正念。试图减肥的参与者(n = 170)被随机分配到一个小组内或独立进行6周的冥想练xi。对正念、认知行为的回避、冲动和体重进行了两次测量(干预前和干预后)。结果表明,在小组中的参与者体重下降,并降低了他们的认知行为回避水平,而冲动性和正念则保持稳定。另一方面,个人条件下的参与者体重下降较少,而认知行为回避和正念的得分有所增加,但冲动性有所下降。鉴于在群体环境中观察到的好处和局限性不能在人们单独冥想时得到体现,这项研究得出结论,在个人环境中使用正念冥想减肥需要谨慎,尽管它有一些潜在的好处可能有助于未来的减肥研究。

8 meditation, t-cells, anxiety, depression and hiv infection

冥想,t细胞,焦虑,抑郁和 hiv 感染



the practice of meditation, specifically qigong, was hypothesized as being potentially helpful to

hiv-infected individuals the intervention was assumed to be stress-reducing anxiety, depression and t-cell counts were measured a statistically significant increase in t-cells and a statistically significant decrease in anxiety and depression were found a control group was not included in this pilot study



测量焦虑、抑郁和 t 细胞计数。t 细胞有统计学意义的增加,焦虑和抑郁有统计学意义的减少。本试验未包括对照组。

(编注:患上艾滋病 t 细胞会减少,而冥想增加了 t 细胞,是正面结论。)



1transcendental meditation in criminal rehabilitation and crime prevention


in contrast to the generally dismal results of various approaches to rehabilitation, these consciousness-based strategies have proven effective in preventing crime and rehabilitating offenders! this book will introduce you to a powerful, unique approach to offender rehabilitation and crime prevention in contrast to the generally dismal results of most rehabilitation approaches, studies covering periods of 1-15 years indicate that this new approach--employing the maharishi transcendental meditation and tm-sidhi programs--reduces recidivism from 35-50 transcendental meditation in criminal rehabilitation and crime prevention provides the reader with a theoretical overview, new original research findings, and examples of practical implementation with this book, you will explore what motivates people to mit crimes, with emphasis on stress and restricted self-development then you"ll examine the results and policy implications of applying these consciousness-based techniques to offender rehabilitation and crime reduction most chapters include tables or figures that make the information easy to understand transcendental meditation in criminal rehabilitation and crime prevention does not merely review the theory behind this innovative approach to rehabilitation and prevention but also emphasizes the practical value of the programs it describes and reports how techniques and strategies based on transcendental meditation have been put to use in a variety of settings this book will familiarize the reader with: a rehabilitation approach so universal in its applicability that any adult or juvenile offender can begin it at the point of sentencing, during incarceration, or at the point of parole the in-depth background on adult growth and higher states of consciousness necessary to understand this consciousness-based, developmental approach the results of empirical studies conducted in prisons around the country, with up to 15 years of follow-up a preview of how cost-effective the rehabilitation program might be implications for public policy and the judicial system--including an innovative alternative sentencing program how this approach deals not only with individuals but also with the munity as a whole--when practiced by a small percentage of the population, the tm and tm-sidhi programs may reduce crime in the larger munity how these society-level prevention programs may prove to be effecitive in reducing not only school violence in the munity but, if applied on sufficient scale, war deaths and terrorism in the greater society

与各种改造方法普遍令人沮丧的结果相比,这些以意识为基础的策略已被证明在预防犯罪和改造罪犯方面是有效的!这本书将向你介绍强有力的、独特的罪犯改造方法。本书将向你介绍一种强大的、独特的罪犯改造和犯罪预防方法。与大多数改造方法普遍令人沮丧的结果相比,涵盖1-15年的研究表明,这种新的方法--采用大乘禅修和tm-sidhi计划--将重犯率从35-50降低。超觉静坐在刑事改造和犯罪预防中的应用》为读者提供了一个理论概述、新的原始研究结果和实际实施的例子。通过这本书,你将探讨是什么促使人们犯罪,重点是压力和受限的自我发展。然后你会研究将这些基于意识的技术应用于罪犯改造和减少犯罪的结果和政策含义。大多数章节都包括表格或数字,使信息易于理解。超凡冥想在刑事康复和犯罪预防中的应用》不仅仅回顾了这种创新的康复和预防方法背后的理论,而且还强调了它所描述的方案的实用价值,并报告了基于超凡冥想的技术和策略是如何在各种环境中得到应用的。本书将使读者熟悉。一种普遍适用的康复方法,任何成人或少年犯都可以在判刑时、在监禁期间或在假释时开始使用这种方法 深入了解成人成长和更高的意识状态是理解这种以意识为基础的发展性方法所必需的 在全国各地监狱进行的经验性研究结果。在长达15年的跟踪研究中,预览了康复计划的成本效益对公共政策和司法系统的影响--包括一个创新的替代判刑计划,这种方法不仅涉及个人,也涉及整个社区--当一小部分人实践时,tm和tm-sidhi计划可能会减少更大社区的犯罪,这些社会层面的预防计划可能被证明是有效的,不仅可以减少社区中的校园暴力,如果应用的规模足够大,可以减少更大社会的战争死亡和恐怖主义。





一群意念非常清楚且投入的团体,当他们意念非常集中清楚并且达到临界质量的话,这个人数差不多就是 144,000 人。而这些人就可以塑造(全球级别的)实相了,而实相是用意念来显化的。当有一群很投入的团体在全球进行冥想,数量超过临界质量就可以改变世界局势和历史大事!






工作不如意的李青龙回到乡村,得到一副山河社稷图,获得大量的物质和改变环境的能力,从此过上桃花源一般的乡村生活。 没事就打野,挖药草,培育极品鱼类,经营水产品,养各种各样的动物! 于是,山上的野猪成了看门护院,猫头鹰负责晚上巡逻,天边的白鹤以乡村为家,早出晚归的野鸡野鸭,在田野肆意的游荡……村民们每日笑脸,迎接着和谐美好的生活。