首发:~第15章 冥想的好处
4、随机对照研究中,经过冥想训练,实验组的注意瞬脱程度显著小于对照组 (t2short条件 ,t2正确 率 :f(1,54)=4595,p=0037),stroop表现显著优于对照组(色义相同正确率 :f(1,56)=6459,p=0014; 色义相同反应 时 :f(1,56)=3691,p=006; 色义不同正确率:f(1,56)=4446,p=0039;色义不同反应时:f(1,56)=4383,p=0041)。实验组生命质量的前后测比较,在精力 (5924 vs 6857,p=0040) 、 情感职能(4343 vs 5344,p=0028)、心理健康(5818 vs 6658,p=0036)3 个维度有显著提升,心理健康总评(5972 vs 6857,p=0013)及生命质量总分(6929 vs7652,p=0021)也有显著提升。
1 effects of group practice of the transcendental meditation program on preventing violent crime in washington, dc: results of the national demonstration project,june--july 1993
this paper reports the results of a prospective experiment in which a group of approximately 4,000 participants in the transcendental meditation and tm-sidhi programs of maharishi mahesh yogi assembled in washington, dc, from june 7 to july 30, 1993 it was hypothesized that levels of violent crime in the district of columbia would fall substantially during the demonstration project, as a result of the group"s effect of increasing coherence and reducing stress in the collective consciousness of the district a 27-member project review board prising independent scientists and leading citizens approved the research protocol and monitored the research process weekly crime data was derived from database records provided by the district of columbia metropolitan police department (dcmpd),which are used in the fbi uniform crime reports statistical analysis considered the effect of weather variables, daylight, historical crime trends and annual patterns in the district of columbia, as well as trends in neighboring cities consistent with previous research, levels of homicides, rapes and assaults (hra crimes) correlated with average weekly temperature robberies approximately followed an annually recurring cycle time series analysis of 1993 data, controlling for temperature, showed that hra crimes dropped significantly during the demonstration project, corresponding with increases in the size of the group; the maximum decrease was 233 (p < 2 x 109) [246 using a longer baseline,with 1988--1993 data (p < 3 x 105)], coincident with the peak number of participants in the group during the final week of the assembly when the same period in each of the five previous years was examined, no significant decreases in hra crimes were found robberies did not decrease significantly
however, a model that jointly estimated the effect of the demonstration project on both hra crimes and robberies showed a significant reduction in violent crimes overall of 156 (p = 00008) further analysis showed that the effect of the coherence-creating group on reducing hra crimes could not be accounted for by additional police staffing the time series analysis for hra crimes gave results that are highly robust to alternative model specifications, and showed that the effect of the group size was cumulative and persisted after the demonstration project ended also, calculation of the steady state gain based on the time series model predicted that a permanent group of 4,000 coherence-creating experts in the district would have a long-term effect of reducing hra crimes by 48
本文报告了一项前瞻性实验的结果,该实验由一群约4,000 名参与者组成,他们参加了 maharishi mahesh yogi 于 1993 年 6 月 7 日至 7 月30 日在华盛顿特区举行的超验静坐及tm-sidhi 计划。据推测,在示范项目期间,哥伦比亚特区的暴力犯罪水平将大幅下降,这是由于该团体在该地区的集体意识中增强了一致性和减少了压力的结果。一个由独立科学家和主要公民组成的 27 人项目审查委员会批准了研究方案,并监督了研究过程。每周的犯罪数据来自哥伦比亚特区大都会警察局(dcmpd)提供的数据库记录,这些记录用于联邦调查局的统一犯罪报告。
统计分析考虑了气候变量、日光、历史犯罪趋势和哥伦比亚特区的年度模式,以及邻近城市的趋势的影响。与之前的研究一致,杀人、强奸和袭击(hra 犯罪)的水平与每周平均气温相关。抢劫案大致遵循一个每年循环的周期。对 1993 年的数据进行时间序列分析,对温度进行控制。
结果显示,在示范项目期间,hra 的犯罪率显著下降,与群体规模的增加相对应;最大降幅为 233 (p < 2x109)[使用较长的基线(1988—1993 年的数据)246 (p < 3x105)],这与该组在大会最后一周的参与者人数峰值一致。在前 5 年的同一时期进行调查时,没有发现 hra 犯罪有显著减少。抢劫案并没有显著减少。
然而,一个联合评估示范项目对 hra 犯罪和抢劫案影响的模型显示,总体暴力犯罪显著减少 156 (p =00008)。
2 improved quality of city life through the transcendental
meditation program: decreased crime rate
crime rate decreased in cities after one percent of their populations had begun practicing the
transcendental meditation technique
this investigation focused on the relationship between percentage of the population in a city practicing the transcendental meditation technique in a given year and change in crime rate in the year following
results indicate that a sudden downward shift in the trend of increasing crime rate occurred when about one percent of a city population had begun the transcendental meditation technique in 1973 crime increased in 76 percent of the cities in the united states in the population range 25,000-50,000 with less than 097 percent of their populations practicing the tm technique at the end of 1972, whereas crime decreased in all us cities in this population range with 097 percent or more of their populations practicing the technique at the end of 1972 a parison of the 11 us cities with populations over 25,000 with 097 percent or more of their populations practicing the tm technique at the end of 1972(one-percent cities) with 11 matched control cities showed that the mean change in crime rate from 1972 to 1973 among the control cities ( +83 percent) was significantly different from that observed among the one-percent cities ( -82 percent) further analysis indicated that factors other than the cities reaching about one percent of their populations practicing the tm technique were unlikely to account for the subsequent change in crime rate in these cities these results are consistent with the prediction made by maharishi mahesh yogi, founder of the transcendental meditation program, that when about one percent of a population practices the tm technique a ""phase transition"" in society toward more harmonious functioning will occur therefore, this phenomenon has been named the "maharishi effect"
结果表明,当大约百分之一的城市人口开始采用先验冥想技术时,犯罪率呈急剧下降趋势。1973 年,美国人口在 25,000 至 50,000 之间的城市中,犯罪率上升了 76%,到 1972 年底,只有不到 097%的人口使用 tm 技术,而在该人口范围内,美国所有城市的犯罪率都在下降 1972 年底有 097%或以上的人口在实践这项技术。
将 1972 年底美国人口超过25,000 的11 个城市中有 097%或以上的人口使用 tm 技术的城市(百分之一的城市)与 11 个相匹配的控制城市进行比较,结果显示,从 1972 年到 2003 年 1973 年,控制城市(+ 83%)与百分之一的城市(-82%)明显不同。
进一步的分析表明,除了城市达到其人口约 1%的人口使用 tm 技术外,其他因素不太可能解释这些城市随后的犯罪率变化。这些结果与超然冥想计划创始人 maharishi mahesh yogi 所作的预测一致,即当大约1%的人口实践 tm 技术时,社会将朝着更和谐的功能“过渡”。
3 effects of the transcendental meditation program on neuroendocrine abnormalities associated with aggression and crime
both chronic and acute stress can cause long-lasting abnormalities in the neuroendocrine systems mediating adaptation these abnormalities, in turn, are thought to contribute to psychological disturbances such as anxiety, depression, and hostility, and to behaviors such as substance abuse,violent aggression, and criminal acts this article reviews evidence for neuroendocrine abnormalities in aggression and crime, defines stress as it relates to adaptation and behaviors, discusses stress-induced abnormalities in neuroendocrine systems, and reviews evidence that the transcendental meditation(tm)1 program may reduce aggression and crime in part by removing these stress-induced abnormalities the tm program appears to reverse or remove both the physiological and psychological disturbances arising from stress, thus strengthening the individual"s coping abilities and restoring a sense of well-being these normalizing effects of the transcendental meditation program are expected to enhance an individual"s resilience and to promote the ability to fulfill desires in socially responsible ways
本文综述神经内分泌异常侵略和犯罪的证据,将压力定义为适应和相关行为,讨论了压力诱导神经内分泌系统的异常,和评论证据表明超验冥想(tm) 项目可以减少攻击性和犯罪部分通过消除这些压力引起的异常。tm 项目似乎可以逆转或消除由压力引起的生理和心理上的干扰,从而增强个人的应对能力,恢复幸福感。超验冥想项目的这些正常化效果被期望提高个人的适应力,并提升以对社会负责的方式满足欲望的能力。
4 the maharishi effect: a model for social improvement time series analysis of a phase transition to reduced crime in merseyside metropolitan area
time series analysis was used to test the hypothesis that merseyside crime rate was reduced by a group practising maharishi mahesh yogi"s transcendental meditation and tm-sidhi programme previous research suggests that a phase transition to increased orderliness u evidenced by reduced crime rate should occur when the group size approaches the square root of 1 of the total population analysis of merseyside monthly crime data and coherence group size from 1978 to 1991 shows that a phase transition occurred during march 1988 with a 134 drop in crime when the group size first exceeded the √1 or maharishi effect threshold (p < 000006) up to 1992, merseyside crime rate has remained steady in contrast to the national crime rate which has increased by 45 in 1987 merseyside had the third highest rime rate of the eleven largest metropolitan areas in england and wales; by 1992 it had the lowest crime rate 40 below levels predicted by the previous behaviour of the series there were 255,000 less crimes in merseyside from 1988 to 1992 than would have been expected had merseyside continued to follow the national crime trend home office figures indicate savings to merseyside could exceed £1250 million for the five year period demographic changes, economic variables, police practice,and other factors could not account for the changes
时间序列分析被用来检验一个假设,即默西塞德郡的犯罪率是通过一个团体练ximaharishi mahesh yogi的超验冥想和tm - sidhi计划而降低的。以前的研究表明,当(该超验冥想)团体规模接近总人口的1的平方根时,就会出现一个阶段性的过渡,即犯罪率下降而有序度u提升的相变。
从 1978 年到1991 年的默西塞德郡月度犯罪数据和一致性群体规模的分析表明,1988年 3 月发生了一个相变,当冥想团体规模首次超过人口总数1的平方根或 maharishi 效应阈值时,犯罪下降了134 (p <000006)。
截至1992 年,默西塞德郡的犯罪率一直保持稳定,而全国犯罪率上升了 45。1987 年,默西塞德郡的犯罪率在英格兰和威尔士 11 个最大的大都市区中排名第三;到 1992 年,它的犯罪率最低。比之前的预测低了 40。从 1988 年到1992 年,默西塞德郡的犯罪案件比如果默西塞德郡继续遵循全国犯罪趋势所能预料到的少了 255 000 起。英国内政部(home office)的数据显示,默西塞德郡(merseyside)在未来5年的节约开支可能超过 125 亿英镑。人口变化、经济变数、警察惯例和其他因素不能解释这些变化。
5 dillbeck et al quality of life: reduced crime --p326--the effect of the group dynamics of consciousness on society: reduced crime in the union
territory of delhi, india
a reduction in crime was found in the union territory of delhi, india over a five-month period as a result of the collective practice of the transcendental meditation and tm-sidhi programme