
第54章 布莱尔的变化(1/1)


首发:~第54章 布莱尔的变化

iga went to the entrance of the mine and listened there was a faint sound like a drill breaking through the rock

it seems that before long, the people outside will be able to pletely break through the tunnel, and then i am afraid that there will be a terrible battle

iga also took his shrivelled bag from his waist and scattered some of the diamond on the ground he also removed the wooden planks that had been used to build a temporary shelter and placed them above the mine opening, covering them with stones

on the other side, blair has put away his heart gold, and the dark red earth dragon is still wallow in grief

blair suddenly felt himself in a trance, as if he could hear the dark red earth dragon&39;s voice

in fact, she knows that these salamander cubs are not her own children, but just look very similar to her own children, and her children have been stolen by a man in a red coat

a red coat

blair had an image of dante who had snatched his children and had members of the kinu quest team e here every once in a while with baby earth salamanders and torture them in front of him to trick the dark red earth dragon into tears

but this also shows one thing, dante does not seem to have a good way to imprison the dark red core dragon, so the exploration team is elusive, because every once in a while, it is necessary to find the location of the dark red core dragon, and then cheat to tears

&34;boom ~&34;

a loud noise came from the location of the mine entrance, and blair woke up from the previous mysterious mental state looked at the dark red core dragon, the other side did not look at him, felt his eyes, and then raised his head to look at blair, a beast with big eyes and small eyes, it seems that the dark red core dragon does not know what has just happened

blair feels that after soul search, it seems that there are some strange changes in the body, but at present there is no physical disfort, in order to be safe, when the time is still to go to the finder tavern to contact a psychiatrist for examination

he thought that at this time, the iga has reached his side and made a sign to him to go, and blair also returned to his mind and quickly hid in the side of the dark red earth dragon with the iga

boulders that had blocked the entrance to the mine were pushed aside, and a group of men in blue security costumes filed in

still in the layout of the trap, i heard the sound of the mine entrance, the heart was surprised, did not expect the other side so quickly dredged the entire channel, into the mine

surrounded by more than twenty people, a figure in a red coat and carrying a white cat came out


blair and iga jeong-hyun face is very ugly, did not expect each other to e in person

&34;i can&39;t believe you beat the kinu explorers, who have been with me for over a decade&34; dante stroked the soft hair of agili, the white cat, and looked at the two men hiding on the side of the dark red earth dragon

&34;but you&39;ll probably die here today, and it&39;s a shame to have that skill&34;

dante&39;s gentle but cold voice echoed inside the mine, and more than two dozen security division soldiers raised their standard energy guns and aimed their muzzles at blair and iga, waiting only for dante to give the order to beat them into a hole

but blair and iga zhenxian is standing in place and not afraid of the look, because they already know the secret of the heart gold, then, as long as the other side still want to continue to produce heart gold, will not really mand his shot

the reason is very simple, behind them, is a steady stream can produce heart gold lode - dark red earth dragon

the dark red geocenter dragon looked at dante in the distance, wearing a red coat, like a bull seeing red, and his anger rose in an instant, his eyes were full of red blood, his teeth were grinding and his chest was heaving violently, as if he wanted to eat dante alive

&34;looking at the angry posture of the dark red earth dragon, i heard the sound before should be true, do i also have the ability of telepathy&34; blair thought to himself

sure enough, dante in the distance did not give a direct order to shoot, but continued: &34;however, we have always cherished talents, as long as you hand over the strange metal you have obtained, and attach yourself to my xuanyuan chamber of merce, i will spare your lives today&34;

dante did not directly say the heart of gold, but use a strange metal instead, because the secret of the heart of gold is too huge, blair two people are likely to know, but more than 20 security division soldiers around him do not know

&34;oh are you telling the truth&34; blair asked, stepping forward



一本地摊上的旧书《民俗曲艺大全》,将身患双相情感障碍的少年沈约送到一个癫狂的修真世界。 妖、鬼、神、佛、魔,都被“孽毒”污染,行为诡谲癫狂,出乎常理。 由于抑郁和躁狂交替,沈约很容易被妖魔鬼物环绕。堪比唐僧的沈约,步步有难,处处是灾。 唯有按照“金手指” 《民俗曲艺大全》的指引,云游天下,学习各地的民俗小曲儿小调儿,寻找特殊的乐器,给妖魔神佛表演吹拉弹唱,才能消解虐气,净化孽毒。堪称一个行走的“
他是村里唯一的大学生,本应该骄子一般的存在,却意外被纨绔所伤,成了傻子。 为了活下去,他不得不回到村子里,跟着父母一起生活,这天却无意间撞破了村长好事。 上一秒,他被灭口推下悬崖; 下一秒,他不仅没死,还觉醒了龙阳真人传承…… 人这一辈子,坏心眼是要不得的,人在做,天在看,村长不想让他说出去的事,他偏偏要……