
第55章 拖延时间(1/1)


首发:~第55章 拖延时间

iga jehen saw blair step forward, the heart is tight, now the heart of gold in each other&39;s hands, what&39;s more, blair is just a finder, say bad words, that is an &34;interstellar thief&34;, if the other party really take this opportunity to sell him, it is not impossible

as he was pondering whether to attack blair first, he saw blair&39;s left hand held behind him, repeatedly making an ok sign

i have a slight frown, he is saying that he can handle it, to reassure me

in the end, iga chose to give blair the benefit of the doubt, after all, even if he really shot, he may not be able to kill each other with one blow, and he did not want to lose this ally unless he had to

dante smelled the words, his face showed the expression of all in control, and said gently: &34;my regulus chamber of merce has always been known for integrity, naturally not for a few dead people, will do treachery such damage to the reputation of things&34;

blair paused for a moment and then slowly said, &34;well, i can grant your request, but&34;

he made a look of embarrassment and hesitation

dante saw the other for a long time silent, waiting for impatience, he urged: &34;but what&34; you go on to say that i will accept any offer you make, so long as it is not too excessive, and that it would not be impossible for you to take direct charge of the transactions of the regulus chamber of merce in the town of brierville&34;

&34;trade in a county!&34; blair&39;s heart secretly smacked, as a big money fan of his, really have some moved, at this time, there was a cough behind

blair then stopped looking, scratched his head and pretended to be embarrassed and said: &34;actually, actually in fact&34;

the watch suddenly vibrated violently, and iga saw blair&39;s left hand from the back, ing toward his face he instinctively wanted to back away, and he did see a string of suspended chinese characters: &34;close your eyes&34;

iga jeong-hyun heart under a ruthless, since the choice to believe each other, it should not doubt, the moment will close their eyes

dante watched blair hesitate, as if he were doing something small, and warned: &34;you don&39;t think about anything, boy!&34;

blair shouts at dante, &34;actually i&39;m your long-lost father!&34;

as the words fell, blair&39;s watch flashed a strong light, and blair had long been ready to throw the watch out

this is the back hand that he let people do in advance in advance, and there is no actual means of harm, but it can be used to scrap this special watch at the cost of sending out a strong light that even goggles can not resist, so that the opponent is briefly in a state of blindness, the harm is that he should close his eyes

just at the end of the strong light, a graceful figure appeared behind the two people, cleverly holding the waist of the two people

the three men were wrapped in a strange light and disappeared

dante is strong, and wary of blair&39;s strange behavior, so in a second, he recovers from his blindness, but when he sees the situation in front of him, his teeth itch

he shouted, &34;stop it!&34;

it turned out that when the strong light broke out, several security section soldiers were too nervous, and in a hurry, they shot directly, while other security section soldiers heard gunfire and instinctively shot

so much so that after dante opened his eyes, he found seven or eight security department soldiers lying crooked around him, all turned into disabled people with missing arms and legs, and a hapless man was hit on the chest, directly to a deep heart

that&39;s because they all had their guns pointed in blair&39;s direction beforehand, otherwise they might have killed more people

because dante activated the energy shield attached to the red coat as soon as things took a turn, neither he nor agiri the white cat survived unscathed

&39;what a bunch of assholes! dante is furious, this is too humiliating, people not caught, needless to say, their own people also lost so much out of thin air, if the two guys know this, i must laugh to death

&34;lord dante, they are gone&34; it was a man who appeared to be the captain of the security section, limping over and saying

&34;won&39;t i watch in your words&34; dante glanced at his opponent&39;s leg, still intact, and asked aloud: &34;what happened to your leg&34;

the captain looked ashamed and said: &34;just heard the gunfire, instinctively turned over to avoid, and the result fell into the mine&34;

dante&39;s face became worse and worse, and he pointed hard at each other with his hand, threw the white cat agiri in his hand, and walked away without saying a word


agili, the white cat, jumped to the ground, looked at the other who was still standing in silence, brushed the hair on his front paws with his tongue, and then pounced on the captain


the screams echoed through the mine for an eternity



苏醒而来的萧枫来到了逆天邪神中象征着灭之世界的苍古深渊。这里玄力至上! 渊尘弥漫,渊兽咆哮,该如何立足?
「男主日久生情/男二追妻火葬场,双洁」 陆颂扬曾经是商时宁贫瘠的单色青春中的一束光。 只是。 陆颂扬失忆了。 将其他的女人托举在手心中,尽情呵护。 曾经商时宁暴露给他的软肋,也成了他攻击商时宁最锋利的一把刀。 他说:商时宁被欺负过,想想心里就觉得恶心。 他说;商时宁性格古怪,怪不得商家都不要她。 他说:和商时宁结婚,是他这一生最不堪的事。 商时宁毫不犹豫的离开。 陆颂扬却疯了。 他找遍每一个角落
他穿越了,穿越到一个女频小说世界,还成了大秦帝王! 仅上位三年,便将秦朝治理的井井有条,百姓安居乐业,最终在恶毒女配的帮助下,一统天下。 可到最后,为了取悦小说女主,他将深爱他的女配处死,把家人灭族,皇位传给女主,跟其余男人共同侍奉她。 他可不打算想原主一样惯着:“都喜欢女主,都喜欢头顶青青草原是吧?” 他发誓,他要一统天下,做后世迷人的老祖宗......
【长生 苟 面板 属性 武道 修仙 搞笑 凡人流】 白羽穿越仙侠世界。 开局长生不死,送葬就变强。 送葬宗师武者,获得满级金钟罩,气血如龙! 送葬炼气修士,获得天灵根,天资超凡! 送葬无上道祖,获得三千大道,独断万古! 白羽:我们长生者做事,不急于一朝一夕。 忍一时风平浪静,退一步刨人祖坟。 我不一定能超越你,但我肯定超度你。 送葬亿万年,坐看万古浮沉。 当他手执白幡,黑狗相伴,露出了沙包大的拳
传统都市无敌文!!杀伐极其果断,情节极其暴爽,高燃热血,不圣母,一路横推! 三年前,叶家少爷叶擎苍,被未婚妻出卖,遭仇家追杀,嘎腰子放血,弃尸荒野。 三年后,叶擎苍医武逆天,强势归来,一路爆杀,誓要查清当年真相,拿下绝美师姐,成就武圣之名!