
第57章 新娘阿花(1/1)


首发:~第57章 新娘阿花

just after the gunfire in the control room subsided, there was a dense sound of footsteps on both sides of the corridor, and the soldiers of the security section had e to the second floor, which pletely surrounded them

neera closed her eyes for a moment and then said, pale, &34;no, the whole second floor is blocked off my teleport is unusable it&39;s a trap&34;

brian&39;s face was like water, and he took out two explosion-proof shields from the soul silver equipment on his waist to give them to the two people, and he also equipped a shield on his right wrist

&34;the only way now is to break into the control room and close the shielding, otherwise when dante returns from the mine, it will only be harder to escape&34; &39;whispered blair

blair stretched out his shield, and by the reflection of the blast shield, he could see the man inside, and at a glance he saw the burly man, and afa beside him

&34;the people inside seemed to be the same group we had encountered before, protecting the wine convoy&34; with that, blair looked at iga: &34;i see that your former subordinate is also in there&34;

iga just frowned a little, gnashed his teeth and said: &34;this kid is really rushing to death, even if he is removed from the a, there is every reason to refuse this operation, since he is so ignorant, then you don&39;t show mercy&34;

as soon as the words were over, iga was the first to rush in, holding a shield high in her left hand, like an indestructible city wall, blocking the fierce attack of laser bullets, and holding a laser pistol in her right hand, shooting at high speed

his body flexibly shuttles between the bullets, like an elegant dancer, swinging freely on the stage the laser bullet splashed a halo around him, as if fireworks were gorgeous, but he was walking on the ground, moving forward

his laser pistol, like a silver viper, glowed cold in the repair room each shot was fired with a precision and decisiveness that sent the enemy tumbling to the ground

at this time, iga, like a battlefield death, fought in the front line with dignity look at blair and neela in awe

&34;he was a ninja born for war i didn&39;t expect him to be such a good marksman&34; neela sighed, and secretly pared her heart, if the other side had peted with him at that time, it might have been difficult for him to win so freely

thinking of this, neela shook her head again, giving herself encouragement in the heart, she is a master of transmission, is a natural assassin, can sneak attack why must be better than shooting

&34;it&39;s ing! blair looked at the shadowy figures on the corner of the corridor and said encouragingly: &34;don&39;t let him be the only one in the limelight, let&39;s block these people and give him time to break the shield&34;

&34;hmm&34; neera nodded and raised her laser pistol, waiting for the first lucky person at the corner of the hallway

blair and neela cooperate very tacit understanding, two people do not lean on their backs, each responsible for the defense of the corridor side, like two solid fortresses, echoing each other, together to build an invulnerable defense line, not to let the enemy inch a cent

in the control room, the defenders were shot to the ground one after another, and the bruiser couldn&39;t help but feel shocked at the ease with which iga defeated him

he quickly ordered: &34;you several hands outside, the rest of the retreat with me to the main control room&34;

the soldiers who were arranged to stay smiled in their hearts, but they did not flinch, they were licking blood on the tip of the knife, how many times they narrowly escaped death, and they have bee numb to death

fa because of the relationship with the bruiser is very good, the character is also very patible, so also followed him into the main control room

afa, who was constantly rubbing the corners of his coat, stood right behind the bruiser and stared at him

the bruiser seemed to feel something, looked back at afa, and turned his head, he was not in the mood to respond to afa, and was concerned about the whole situation of the war

just then, the bruiser&39;s watch rang, saw the caller written dante, quickly answered: &34;lord dante, it&39;s me&34;

&34;we&39;re holding them out of the maintenance room right now, three of them&34;

&34;don&39;t worry, it may be difficult for you to let me solve them, but it will be a small thing for me to stop them for ten more minutes&34;

blair and neela also take advantage of the other party retreat time, into the control room, at this time, bruiser ordered, pull down the emergency defense door of the control room, blair three people to be trapped dead in the control room

&34;ha ha, master dante, they have all entered the control room, which has been pletely sealed by my purple rhyme copper gates&34; the bruiser proudly reported his victory

ah fa stared at the back, holding the corner of the garment tighter

he thought of ah hua, of the little girl who had borrowed half an eraser from her in order to talk to him

he remembered that on may 20, when he proposed in a suit, his girlfriend had a blushing smile on her cheeks

he remembered, at dusk, snuggling on his shoulder, imagining the future, wanting to give him a litter of babies

&34;sorry, hua, sorry, captain&34; afa murmured in his mouth

the bruiser also seemed to feel something was wrong, and turned his face puzzled to look at afa: &34;what&39;s wrong with you, you miss the little fiancee&34;

&34;rest assured, this time as long as lord dante catches these three people, the bounty is definitely enough for your bride price!&34;

&34;you can still buy one then&34;

the bruiser&39;s words suddenly stopped, and he looked at afa with a look of horror, and despite the fact that he was still talking to dante, he ran back hysterically and shouted angrily

&34;what&39;s the matter with you, boy&34;

afa&39;s body was covered with a pile of polymerized explosives, and the numbers on it slowly danced from one to zero

&34;hua, i love you!&34;



我自以为和男友恋爱十年,原来都是假的! 他有胃病,只喝我熬的养胃粥。 他脾气不好,只有我亲自去才能哄好。 他最看重的奶奶,也只带了我一个人去见过。 …… 可是现在,他说, 【我什么时候承认过她是我女朋友?】 【说白了,是她主动贴着我。像块狗皮膏药一样,我都嫌手脏呢。】 他对我弃之如弊,但有人爱我如命! “结婚。” 第一次见面的男人向我求婚, 而且他还是帝都最想嫁的男人之首! 他紧追不舍,生怕我跑
刚踏入大学校园的那一刻,“叮!神豪系统绑定成功!”这一声在脑海中响起,他的人生瞬间开启了疯狂模式。 豪车?随便挑!兰博基尼、法拉利、劳斯莱斯,每天换着开,那炫酷的车影在校门口一停,瞬间成为全校焦点。 美女?身边环绕!校花主动搭话,各路女神纷纷投怀送抱,社交软件里的好友申请直接爆掉,全是颜值超高的小姐姐。 豪宅?轻松拥有!市中心的顶级大平层,海景别墅,欧式城堡,住都住不过来,还能时不时邀请朋友来开