
第56章 屏蔽防护罩(1/1)


首发:~第56章 屏蔽防护罩

when dante found that the two blair disappeared, he took out his municator for the first time, and twiddling it in his hand, the screen showed the words &34;open the shield&34;

because he wanted to evacuate as many workers as possible from the mine at first, he did not open the shield, and did not anticipate that the other party was not two, but three, including a teleporter

now, the shield is activated, so you can&39;t leave the shield, and then you&39;ll be shooting fish in a barrel

in another tunnel in the mine, neera unlocks the two men and says with an ugly face, &34;no, dante has started the shield, blocking my transmission to locate the outside world&34;

before the two of them could ask, neera then explained, &34;you&39;ve gone so far into the mine that even though i&39;m a master teleporter, it took me two teleports to get to you, and the other person was quick to see that something was wrong and put the shield on the first time&34;

blair pointed directly to his head and said, &34;since you can&39;t get out, then you beam up, we beat dante to the ground, can poke the other people&39;s hands, there is still a chance to go to the control room to contact the shield, or directly destroy the instrument that created the shield&34;

&34;well, that&39;s it&34; nila once again hug two people, guanghua once again will wrap them

after several tortuous teleportation, the men finally reached the level of the mine

they, too, were soon exposed to surveillance, and a large number of security division fighters swarmed towards their position

blair takes out two nearby guards before the larger unit arrives, and then puts a third guard in a chokehold

&34;where&39;s the control room&34; he asked aloud

the other side hesitated, want to break free of blair&39;s fort, blair will increase the strength, the guard only felt that he could not breathe, see the other side slowly calm down, and let go of some strength and asked: &34;quickly say where the control room, i can only stun you, or i will wring your neck!&34;

the guard raised his finger and pointed upward &34;the second floor,&34; he said with difficulty &34;go up the stairs and walk one hundred meters to the left&34;

blair heard this, nodded with satisfaction, released the hand that strangled the other side&39;s neck, the guard coughed a few times, and could not wait for the guard to have other movements, he would clap his hands on both sides of the other side of the head

blair was strong, but through the helmet, just following through on his earlier promise, he just stunned the other guy

&39;let&39;s go!

the three men flashed again and teleported toward the second floor all the guards who had been running after them were on the ground

at that time, when the two people went to the second floor, they were really dumbfounded, because the second floor was quiet, and there was no one at all

&34;it&39;s weird&34; three words popped out of iga&39;s mouth

&34;i also feel the atmosphere is very weird&34; neera agreed

blair took three ray pistols directly from the soul silver equipment and gave each of them one: &34;anyway, destroy the monitor first&34;

several people nodded in agreement and began shooting at the overhead cameras, but after disabling the entire hallway&39;s cameras, they were still alone on the second floor

&34;none of those people came up&34; &39;said neela doubtfully

&34;when things go wrong, there&39;s always a demon everybody be careful&34; blair looked back and forth and noticed that the other two corridors were empty, too

&34;good,&34; said hermione the two nodded in response

then the crowd trotted along; ing to the door of a room with a sign indicating a control room, blair rolled to the side near the door handle, then took out a long blue sword and gently touched the handle

there was a &34;creak&34; sound and the door opened

followed by a tidal wave of gunfire and fire

blair&39;s face showed a look of the rest of his life after the disaster, the heart secretly sucked a breath, the original is not no one on the second floor, but waiting for them here, fortunately he is cautious, otherwise afraid it has bee a hor&39;s nest

and in the crowd in the control room, there was one man who didn&39;t shoot

the burly man on the side saw that there was nothing outside the door, and the bullets were all empty, he ordered a ceasefire, and looked at the afa on the side and muttered: &34;afa, why are you in a daze again&34; i&39;ve been unconscious for more than a day since i brought you back from the wilderness, and i&39;ve been in a state of confusion ever since&34;

originally, afa was to be in a a for 36 hours, but the doctor in the infirmary, because of years of treating various a patients, activated the cell activity of his cerebral cortex, and he was only in a a for 8 hours

fa to burly big man cast an apologetic look, this task, in fact, burly big man is not let him e, but he insisted on ing

because he knew that among those who infiltrated, there were his instructors and his pany mander - iga sadoga



神明入侵,地球遭受前所未有的危机,15年的誓死守卫,还是让人类文明走向了灭绝。 重生归来,他发现自己回到了十五年前神明入侵的前三天。有了上一世的经验,这一世,他一定要力挽狂澜! 海神?他铸造钢铁长城看来对付;空神?他将重炮怒指苍天…… 军事力量突起,神明亦惧三分,这一世,人间大夏,神明禁区!
前世,他年少轻狂,早早失去自己的性命…… 今生,意外穿到修仙世界,他誓要在这伤亡率顶级高的世界苟住性命! 他低调做人,可咋这些宵小都当他软柿子? 哥是时候展现真正的实力了!
刚踏入大学校园的那一刻,“叮!神豪系统绑定成功!”这一声在脑海中响起,他的人生瞬间开启了疯狂模式。 豪车?随便挑!兰博基尼、法拉利、劳斯莱斯,每天换着开,那炫酷的车影在校门口一停,瞬间成为全校焦点。 美女?身边环绕!校花主动搭话,各路女神纷纷投怀送抱,社交软件里的好友申请直接爆掉,全是颜值超高的小姐姐。 豪宅?轻松拥有!市中心的顶级大平层,海景别墅,欧式城堡,住都住不过来,还能时不时邀请朋友来开
前世,他年少轻狂,早早失去自己的性命…… 今生,意外穿到修仙世界,他誓要在这伤亡率顶级高的世界苟住性命! 他低调做人,可咋这些宵小都当他软柿子? 哥是时候展现真正的实力了!